wxWidgets upgrade to lower version?

Darren Weber dweber at macports.org
Thu Jun 25 15:57:44 PDT 2009

Yea, just read the `port cat wxWidgets` but didn't check any svn logs.  That
may explain the upgrade, but it's curious the version dropped back because
the current stable release is at 2.8.10 according to the downloads:

It's a pity the epoch had to be created, because, as I understand it, the
port will now forever need an epoch number.  So, out of curiosity, what
happens when this port is actually upgraded to the 2.8.10 release?  Can the
epoch remain at 1 and the version bump up to 2.8.10 - will that trigger an
upgrade?  Or does the version have to bump up for each new release version?

It helps to have access to the svn logs:

[ dweber at X ~/macports/dports/graphics ]$ svn log wxWidgets
r52662 | ryandesign at macports.org | 2009-06-20 14:18:32 -0700 (Sat, 20 Jun
2009) | 2 lines

wxWidgets: increase epoch so everyone who had 2.8.10 installed gets prompted
to downgrade to 2.8.9.

r52414 | jameskyle at macports.org | 2009-06-15 21:34:25 -0700 (Mon, 15 Jun
2009) | 3 lines

Dropped the wxwidgets version to 2.8.9 for compatibility reasons
Fixed #19191

r52309 | jameskyle at macports.org | 2009-06-13 16:05:10 -0700 (Sat, 13 Jun
2009) | 2 lines

Disabled parallel builds; fixes #16099

r48246 | mww at macports.org | 2009-03-17 10:41:18 -0700 (Tue, 17 Mar 2009) | 2

version 2.8.10

r40194 | jwa at macports.org | 2008-09-24 08:46:52 -0700 (Wed, 24 Sep 2008) | 2

version bump to 2.8.9

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Jeremy Lavergne <jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
> wrote:

> epoch                   1
> On Jun 25, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Darren Weber wrote:
>  Surely wxWidgets @2.8.10_0 is a higher than @2.8.9_0, but not so according
>> to `port upgrade -uR outdated`
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