p5 modules, get me started on one

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Mon Jan 19 17:11:44 PST 2009

Hello, I need a little help.

If I start with this one, I can probably get the other 15 to work.

If I look at another p5 module, as a way to learn:

# $Id: Portfile 30247 2007-10-23 02:05:08Z redacted at macports.org $
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup perl5 1.0

perl5.setup             Pod-Escapes 1.04
maintainers             nomaintainer
description             for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
long_description        This module provides things that are useful in \
                                         decoding Pod E<...>  
sequences. Presumably, it should \
                                         be used only by Pod parsers  
and/or formatters.
checksums               md5 00ea2e0d2e84ed98517a4616708b68d3
platforms               darwin

So there is not a heck of a lot in there.
I did my best to get past these instructions:
I have /Users/me/macports/

My sources file looks like this:
rsync://rsync.macports.org/release/ports/ [default]

While I did do some tests, I am confused as to naming.  If I want to  
make a port for File::ReadBackward, what is my path to /Users/me/ 
macports ?
I think it will be /Users/macports/ports/p5(maybe)/file-readbackwards

Given the above example port file, where is it being told to  
download?  I can not seem to locate a file, so I must be  
misunderstanding this `sudo find /opt/ -name "perl5.setup"`

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