Atlas problem when cleaning and rebuilding [was: Re: Poppler error]

Fabrizio Bartolomucci fbartolom at
Thu Dec 1 02:46:24 PST 2011

Il 01/12/11 11:41, Vincent Habchi ha scritto:
> Hi there,
>> but it is hanging since quite a few minutes at this point:
>> $ sudo port upgrade outdated
>> --->   Computing dependencies for atlas
>> --->   Fetching archive for atlas
>> --->   Attempting to fetch atlas-3.9.47_0+gcc44.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2 from
>> --->   Fetching atlas
>> --->   Verifying checksum(s) for atlas
>> --->   Extracting atlas
>> --->   Applying patches to atlas
>> --->   Configuring atlas
>> --->   Building atlas
> Building Atlas can take a long long time (up to ~ 6/7 hours) depending on your processor type. So don’t be too in a hurry.
> I’m currently working on the next version (3.9.54) but it fails during the configuration phase. On the other hand, llvm/clang 3.0 arrives, with AVX support, so it might make sense to postpone atlas 3.9.54 until llvm 3.0 release.
> Il mondo che Atlas porta è un pò complesso ;)
> Buona giornata ciononostante !
> Vincent
The problem is that I performed the clean all command trying to get rid 
of the poppler problem and now, as soon as I try to do port outgrade, it 
goes to Atlas, and so I have no postpone option allowing me to keep on 
using macport. So I think I will have to wait the ~ 6/7 hours hoping the 
other packages are faster; otherwise I will have mac port functioning 
again in the next millennium...

	*Dr. Fabrizio Bartolomucci*
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