use macports clang 3.1

Chris Jones jonesc at
Sat Dec 10 12:32:21 PST 2011


> The MacPorts clang-2.9, -3.0 and -3.1 ports are very new, newer than MacPorts 2.0.3, so MacPorts 2.0.3 does not contain these values for configure.compiler. These values were only added to MacPorts trunk in r86719 on November 1; you can build MacPorts from trunk if you want to try these values. Or you can manually set and related variables to the corresponding values in your Portfile.
> Note that clang and llvm 3.0 were just released in stable version December 1, and those MacPorts ports have not yet been updated to that version. 3.1 is likely to be very unstable at this point.

Thanks, that makes sense. I'm in no real hurry to test this, so will wait until things have settled down and a macports version that supports them is out.

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