having programs launch on reboot

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Mon Dec 19 12:05:01 PST 2011

> so, in other words, I shouldn't worry about RunAtLoad, but change the Disabled key as follows
> 	<key>Disabled</key><false/>
> Does that seem reasonable? Interestingly, on reading http://guide.macports.org/chunked/reference.startupitems.html, I tried the following
> 	$sudo launchctl load -w org.macports.apache2.plist 
> 	org.macports.apache2: Already loaded
> I thought the -w switch was supposed to disable the "Disabled" key, but, as I said, the programs didn't start up automatically on reboot. I will try again.

You could try unload and then load again. And check that the file did get changed.

I'm suspicious that the Apple-supplied Apache is starting up first and blocking the MacPorts one (check system logs, might see why launchd gives up on starting Apache).

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