[MacRuby-devel] Any volunteers to help maintain http://www.macruby.org?

Matt Aimonetti mattaimonetti at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 20:00:48 PDT 2009

Awesome, don't hesitate to contact me if you need help.

- Matt

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Mike Sassak <msassak at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Sorry about the delay--I've been swamped recently. I'll have something
> based on Rich's response tomorrow. Sound good?
> Mike
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Matt Aimonetti <mattaimonetti at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hey Mike, any updates on the blog post? Let me know if you need
>> assistance.
>> - Matt
>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Mike Sassak <msassak at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What version of Webby is everyone using? I'm on the latest (0.9.4) and
>>> was getting errors from the blog:post task until I replaced tasks/blog.task
>>> with the one created by 'webby-gen blog'. You can see the changes here:
>>> http://github.com/msassak/macruby_website/commit/f262f91c099186fc74f2b1e0c9e4099f0ed1ff67#diff-1.
>>> They're small, but made all the difference. :-)
>>> I'll create a tutorial out of Rich's post and let the list know when I've
>>> pushed it.
>>> Mike
>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Richard Kilmer <rich at infoether.com>wrote:
>>>> This is from something I wrote a while ago on how to write a recipe but
>>>> did not post to the site.  I added stuff on how to do blog posts too.
>>>> Writing a recipe/blog post for the MacRuby website is very easy.  First,
>>>> you need to get the MacRuby website source checked out on your computer.
>>>>   (This can be replaced with Matt's git instructions)
>>>>   svn checkout
>>>> http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/ruby/MacRubyWebsite/trunkmacruby_website
>>>> You also need to have Webby installed.  Webby is a RubyGem that builds
>>>> websites from static files.  The MacRuby website is built with Webby.  You
>>>> will also need to install CodeRay which is used to render source code.
>>>>  Lastly, you will need to install RedCloth for textile formatting.
>>>>   (sudo) gem install webby
>>>>   (sudo) gem install coderay
>>>>   (sudo) gem install RedCloth
>>>> Now that we have webby, and we have the MacRuby website local, we will
>>>> use webby to generate our recipe and then use webby to visualize it.
>>>> *Generating your Recipe*
>>>> Change your directory to the root of the website.  You then will
>>>> generate the recipe from the template:
>>>>   cd macruby_website
>>>>   webby create:recipe recipes/my_cool_recipe
>>>> Just change *my_cool_recipe/blog_post* with a unique name for your
>>>> recipe name.  If you want just preface it with your name like
>>>> *rich_kilmer_my_cool_recipe*.  This will generate that file.  Now you open
>>>> the generated file and update the header information:
>>>>   title:      rich_kilmer_my_cool_recipe
>>>>   created_at: 2009-04-17 15:07:10.638684 -04:00
>>>>   recipe:     true
>>>>   author:     Your Name Here
>>>> You will want to change that title to be more expressive.  And then
>>>> replace 'Your Name Here' with your name.
>>>> *Generating a Blog Post*
>>>> This generates a blog post:
>>>>   cd macruby_website
>>>>   webby blog:post my_cool_blog_post
>>>> You will see output such as:
>>>> [09:00:21]  INFO: creating content/blog/2009/08/index.txt
>>>> [09:00:21]  INFO: creating content/blog/2009/08/20/my-cool-blog-post.txt
>>>> So there you see it created a structure with today's date and your next
>>>> post's template.  You can then edit the template like was indicated above
>>>> for the recipe...changing the title and author YAML fields.
>>>> ---
>>>> title:      my_cool_blog_post
>>>> created_at: 2009-08-20 09:00:21.829275 -04:00
>>>> blog_post:  true
>>>> layout:     blog_entry
>>>> author:     Your Name Here
>>>> filter:
>>>>   - erb
>>>>   - textile
>>>> ---
>>>> You can see here that this template can use textile format.
>>>> *Webby Autobuild and Local Preview*
>>>> Its helpful to put webby in 'autobuild' mode so you can write and
>>>> preview your recipe or blog post.
>>>>   webby autobuild
>>>> This compiles and builds the MacRuby website locally and starts up a
>>>> local server and then opens a browser pointed at the local service.  If you
>>>> click on the Documentation tab you will see your new recipe listed there.
>>>>  Clicking on its link to your article in the browser will show you the
>>>> article so far.  If you then edit your recipe webby will detect that change
>>>> and rebuild your recipe page.  Refresh the browser and you see your updates
>>>> live!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Rich
>>>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 3:04 AM, Mike Sassak wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Matt Aimonetti <
>>>> mattaimonetti at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Alright, things are now setup and contribution should be easier
>>>>> (patches against svn are also accepted).
>>>>> How to contribute content for the website using github:
>>>>> *  fork the website repo on github:
>>>>> http://github.com/mattetti/macruby_website/
>>>>> * clone and pull your branch locally
>>>>> * create a new topic branch, work on the post, git rebase
>>>>> interactive/squash commits
>>>>> * push your branch/commit to your branch and email the list/me to let
>>>>> us know that the article is ready
>>>>> * I'll cherry pick your commit and push it to the svn repo
>>>>> * after verification, Laurent will redeploy the site.
>>>>> Advice:
>>>>> * try to communicate with other contributors so we don't end up with 2
>>>>> people working on the same post.
>>>>> * if you want to cover something that isn't a status update or major
>>>>> change, please get in touch with one of us or post to the mailing list.
>>>>> * I might be on a trip or not available so don't hesitate to send me a
>>>>> reminder or contact the mailing list if I don't get back to you.
>>>>> Technical details about the blog engine:
>>>>> The website is developed using webby http://webby.rubyforge.org/
>>>>> You obviously need to have webby installed on your machine. ($ sudo gem
>>>>> install webby)
>>>>> Using $ webby autobuild will let you preview the site in your
>>>>> browser.(it should run and open http://localhost:4331/)
>>>>> To create a new blog post template, simply do: $ webby blog:post
>>>>> Mike, if that's ok with you, could you write a tutorial ($ webby
>>>>> create:tutorial ) on how to write and submit a blog post?
>>>> That's just fine with me. I forked your repo and am fiddling with the
>>>> blog task a bit before going to bed. It appears to be looking for defaults
>>>> missing from the Sitefile. Is anyone else having this problem? (MRI 1.8.7,
>>>> Webby 0.9.4) I'll let everyone know how it goes tomorrow.
>>>> Mike
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>>>>  Rich Kilmer
>>>> 571.229.2374 (cell)
>>>> rich at infoether.com
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