[MacRuby-devel] how to access OpenDirectory C constants from MacRuby?

russell muetzelfeldt russm-macruby-devel at slofith.org
Tue Apr 6 23:48:10 PDT 2010

Hi All,

I'm trying to use MacRuby (0.5) to poke at OpenDirectory, but can't figure out how to get the ruby environment to see constants defined in the CFOpenDirectory subframework of the OpenDirectory framework.

http://gist.github.com/358599 is a simple case of what I can't work out. Constants like ODSessionProxyAddress are visible when I'm opening a connection to a remote OD server, but the kSomeConstant ones aren't available under their obj-c or capitalised-K versions (as vaguely implied in http://www.macruby.org/recipes/embed-a-custom-font.html). The bridgesupport files in OpenDirectory.framework also don't contain entries for these constants.

Is there some way of getting access to these constants, or do I need to find and use their literal values instead?



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