[MacRuby-devel] enumerateObjectsUsingBlock

Alan Skipp al_skipp at fastmail.fm
Wed Jan 12 01:03:44 PST 2011

Hi everyone,
Below is a reduction of a problem I've noticed when using 'enumerateObjectsUsingBlock' from inside a proc. The line which causes trouble is:
	[1,2,3].enumerateObjectsUsingBlock( Proc.new { |o, i, s| puts "inner enumeration #{o}" } )

If this line is replaced with:
	[1,2,3].each { |e| puts "inner enumeration #{e}" }
Then the code behaves as expected.

framework 'Foundation'

proc = Proc.new do |arg|
  [1,2,3].enumerateObjectsUsingBlock( Proc.new { |o, i, s| puts "inner enumeration #{o}" } )
  puts arg.upcase

%w[a b c].enumerateObjectsUsingBlock( Proc.new do |obj, idx, stop|

The output is as follows:

inner enumeration 1
inner enumeration 2
inner enumeration 3
inner enumeration b
inner enumeration c

The output I would expect is this:

inner enumeration 1
inner enumeration 2
inner enumeration 3
inner enumeration 1
inner enumeration 2
inner enumeration 3
inner enumeration 1
inner enumeration 2
inner enumeration 3

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