[MacRuby-devel] RubyMotion: Ruby for iOS

Jean-Denis MUYS jdmuys at kleegroup.com
Fri May 4 07:10:40 PDT 2012

One solution would be some provision with an escrow, with the commitment that should Laurent's company go out of business (for business reasons or bus-hit reasons), then the full source code would reverse to be open-source under such and such license.

But clearly, adopting RubyMotion for a professional product is a significant business risk (even if shared by other similar products), and that should be addressed somehow. Saying that whatever you purchase will continue to work "as is" is not enough. As a simple example, RubyMotion's "GC" doesn't handle retain cycles yet. I suppose it will, sooner than later, but for the time being, the product is not complete. That's fine for exploring and developing. It's not for releasing.

 In the meantime, many (most?) of us will purchase RubyMotion, if only for the pleasure of hacking with Ruby on iOS :-)


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